- Coach you to develop your full potential
- Guide you to find the right career path for you within your organisation or outside
- Build your self- confidence
- Support you through transitions-changing jobs, redundancy, retirement, returning after a career break or any change that you find difficult
- Helping you solve relationship problems at work-often I am asked about managing that difficult boss or team member!
- Starting a new job-making the right first impressions, selecting the first priorities and fitting into a new team
- Oh and of course if you want help with interviews, CVs, job applications, recruitment agencies, head-hunters and all that, you can use my knowledge, skills and experience
- As an executive coach I work with companies using both my qualified professional coaching skills and Board level experience to deliver tangible results for the business. I have many years’ experience of leading transformational change and have worked in many different sectors both in the UK and internationally
- Well they say, ‘practice makes perfect’ and I have over 30 years practice ! From selecting hundreds of candidates for jobs, helping others to find the right career path through to solving relationship problems at work
- I am an expert in how organisations’ work and how people succeed in different organisations
- I understand the challenges of working in different cultures having worked in Europe, USA, Latin America, Africa and Asia.
- I am a trained and qualified coach and also a mentor for young people
- Of course, expertise and knowledge are never enough. Everyone is different, so I really listen to understand you, caring about your concerns
- I help you find practical real world solutions
- I create a safe space where you can talk about whatever you want to in confidence, without anyone making judgements about you or what you are saying
- We can meet in a coffee shop, my office or many customers like to use phone or Skype. It’s your time and it’s up to you how we use it
How to find out more?
Phone, text or E-mail me to arrange a 30-minute discussion. It’s free and if you want to go ahead I will explain the options and costs.
Martin Kirke is a career and executive coach, non-executive director and consultant on HR and Transformation.
Martin Kirke was Group HR Director at the Post Office reporting to the Chief Executive and a member of the Executive Board. The Post Office has 11,600 branches and a workforce of 50,000.
Martin has previously held HR Director and Change Director roles at Dow Chemical, Ericsson, Serco Transport and BP including international roles based in Sweden and the USA. At BP he was HR Global Operations Director for Europe, Middle East, Africa and Asia-Pacific. He also spent five years outside HR as a business director with full P&L responsibility and a successful record of growth through his business development skills.
He has worked as a consultant on change programmes including the Cabinet Office/No10 as well as a leading role for the 2012 Olympics while at TfL.
Martin is a non- executive director at an NHS Trust, Mentor with the Prince’s Trust and an International Coaching Federation trained executive coach. He is also a Professional Mentor for the Guild of HR Professionals.
He is a conference speaker and writer on many aspects of work, careers and change.
Martin is a Fellow of the RSA and CIPD and has a first degree in Behavioural Science and a master’s degree in HR Management from Cardiff University.
From Martin first agreeing to mentor me , I went through something of a transformation and approached a series of senior executive assessments with confidence and, importantly, being really clear about my strengths so that I could sell myself. As a result, I gained a significant promotion and have never been happier.
I have since recommended Martin as a coach or mentor to others and have been personally thanked for making the recommendation.
Julie Thomas ● Network Operations Director ● Post Office
The coaching has helped me by focusing my thinking onto a path that make a lot more sense for me. It has made me think differently about my development and the focus areas. With Martin’s coaching I feel much happier that I am going to progress and have a deliberate plan that I can follow
James Scutt ● Head of Customer Experience
Martin is always open to listening to my concerns and makes a point to go back to things I may have said in passing to unpick them for greater clarity. Martin was great at picking the right anecdote to relate to the situation and offer me guidance.
Sandy Chandrasekara
Martin has helped me overcome a lot of my mental challenges and has in fact challenged me to think differently. By asking the questions, Martin has enabled me to overcome my mental barriers and continue to work towards achieving both my professional and personal goals.
Mohammed Kamaly
Martin is a calm, insightful, listening and supportive coach. He challenges me to think issues through for myself and supports me to consider different angles and approaches. I feel refreshed and reenergised….
Peta Gunson
I have coached employees at:

I am a mentor of young people at:

Tel: 01403 243592
Mob: 07881 835743